BRAIN-FETs 2014: 1st Clustering Workshop on Future Emerging NeuroTechnologies

Thursday, 2014, October 16


1st Clustering Workshop on Future Emerging NeuroTechnologies

16-17th October 2014
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genova, Italy

Scientists and representatives of a growing European Future and Emerging Technology (FET) community active on brain grounded Information and communications technology (ICT), i.e. neurotechnologies, novel materials, and computational approaches, gathered together for a 2 day workshop event at the Italian Institute of Technology IIT (Genoa), not only to learn about ongoing research in the field, but especially to critically contribute in proposing future steps for the European Commission's  FETs program in Horizon2020.
The Convergent Science Network is present at this event to contribute to the discussion on how this community is represented into the H2020 horizon and the vision of FET. CSN's coordinator Paul Verschure will open a discussion on Brain-FETs Road-mapping. see the details of the program @