The CapoCaccia Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop celebrates its 10th anniversary!
The 2106 edition will take place at Capo Caccia, Hotel Dei Pini, Alghero, Italy. April 24-May 7, 2016
Be there not to miss an even more exciting scientific program.
In particular, we are pleased to announce that this year a Scientific Program Committee will help us to define the workshop program, and to decide on a few invited participants to move the workshop in fresh directions.
The Program Committee for 2016 are: Josh Bongard, Florian Engert, Yves Fregnac, Henry Kennedy, Gilles Laurent and Davide Scaramuzza.
We are looking forward to seeing you there.
for previous edtions go to https://capocaccia.ethz.ch/capo/wiki/2015
Giacomo Indiveri, Rodney Douglas, and iniForum
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announce [at] capocaccia [dot] ethz [dot] ch