The aim of this small workshop is to bring together visionary scientists in the hope of getting a handle on the function of the brain from this systems level perspective.
The event will follow a novel format that combine topic-oriented discussion starting from specific case studies of computational models. These case studies will be decided collectively and be anchored in the expertise of the participants. The main objective of the case study analysis is to use them to come to a specification of fundamental organizational principles of the brain. In parallel, a computational robot based system level model of the brain will be advanced starting from an available system. This is to facilitate the transformation of ideas to realized computation, possibly validated by the behaviour of robots.
The event is organized by Paul Verschure (UPF and ICREA), John Lisman (Brandeis Univ.), and Anna Mura (UPF, Barcelona). Sponsored by CSN II [FP7-ICT-601167]
Participating scientists are
Matt Van der Meer, University of Waterloo, Canada
Adrian Haith, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA
Cesar Renno Costa, University of Fed. Rio, Brazil
Bjorn Merker, Sweden
Nicholas Hatsopoulos, University of Chicago, USA
Adam Johnson, Bethel University MN, USA
Tomoki Fukai, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan
David Redish, University of Minnesota, USA
Tony Prescott, University of Sheffield, UK
Micheal Frank, Brown University USA
The computational work is done by Diogo Pata and Giovanni Maffei of UPF, Barcelona, Spain.