Robotics Week 2015 with Teatronika: robotics, science and art for the general public. 29 Nov. 2015 @CCCB, Barcelona

Thursday, 2015, November 19


What a better way to bring Robotics to the general public than an artistic interpretation of it? Teatronika brings together robotics, science, and the performing arts to create theatrical performances for robots only. 

Teatronika is part of the event "Semana de la Robotica" organized by the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona CCCB, in concurrency with the "Robot Week" taking place all over Europe. The "Robot Week aims at inspiring technology education in students of all ages to pursue careers in STEM-related fields, i.e., science, technology, engineering and math. In 2015, over 500 robotics events are expected to take place in European and associate countries."

On the 29th of November Teatronika will premier several theatrical pieces, performed by four Nao humanoid robots, that were the winners of the contest "Theaterscript for Robots" organized with Radio 3 and supported by FECYT. CCCB programme @

Teatronika is developed by the research group SPECS at UPF, and is supported by EU projects CSN II, EASEL and WYSIWYD