Papers accepted for poster presentations
1. Fabrication of Electrocompacted Aligned Collagen Morphs for Cardiomyocyte Powered Living Machines.
Victoria Webster, Emma Hawley, Ozan Akkus, Hillel Chiel, Roger Quinn
2. An under-actuated and adaptable soft robotic gripper. Mariangela Manti, Taimoor Hassan, Giovanni Passetti, Nicolò D’Elia, Matteo Cianchetti, Cecilia Laschi
3. Measuring the local viscosity and velocity of fluids using a biomimetic tactile whisker.
Tom Rooney, Tony Pipe, Martin Pearson
4. The vertical Optic Flow : an additional cue for stabilizing Beerotor robot’s flight without IMU.
Fabien Expert, Franck Ruffier
5. Route following without scanning.
Aleksandar Kodzhabashev, Michael Mangan
6. Using Animal Data and Neural Dynamics to Reverse Engineer a Neuromechanical Rat Model.
Alexander Hunt, Nicholas Szczecinski, Emanuel Andrada, Martin Fischer, Roger Quinn
7. Studying the Coupled Learning of Procedural and Declarative Knowledge in Cognitive Robotics.
Rodrigo Salgado, Francisco Bellas, Richard J. Duro
8. Damasio’s Somatic Marker for Social Robotics: Preliminary Implementation and Test.
Lorenzo Cominelli, Daniele Mazzei, Roberto Garofalo, Micheal Pieroni, Abolfazl Zaraki, Danilo De Rossi
9. Learning Sensory Correlations for 3D Egomotion Estimation.
Cristian Axenie, Jorg Conradt
10. Active control for object perception and exploration with a robotic hand.
Uriel Martinez-Hernandez, Nathan F. Lepora, Tony Prescott
11. Mechanical Improvements to TCERA, a Tunable Compliant Energy Return Actuator.
Ronald Leibach, Victoria Webster, Richard Bachmann, Roger Quinn
12. Biomimicry of the Manduca sexta Forewing using SRT Protein Complex for FWMAV Development.
Simone Michaels, Kenneth Moses, Richard Bachmann, Reginald Hamilton, Abdon Pena-Francesch, Asheesh Lanba, Melik Demirel, Roger Quinn
13. Towards a Two-Phase Model of Sensor and Motor Learning.
Jordi-Ysard Puigbò Llobet, Ivan Herreros, Clément Moulin-Frier, Paul Verschure
14 Telepresence: immersion with the iCub humanoid robot and the Oculus Rift.
Uriel Martinez-Hernandez, Luke Boorman, Tony Prescott
15. Correlating kinetics and kinematics of earthworm peristaltic locomotion.
Elishama Kanu, Kathryn Daltorio, Roger Quinn, Hillel Chiel
16. Entraining and copying of temporal correlations in dissociated cultured neurons.
Terri Roberts, Kevin Staras, Philip Husbands, Andrew Philippides
17. Visualizing wakes in swimming locomotion of Xenopus-noid by using PIV.
Ryo Sakai, Masahiro Shimizu, Hitoshi Aonuma, Koh Hosoda
18. Adaptive bio-inspired signals for better object characterisation.
Mariia Dmitrieva, Keith Brown, David Lane
19. Remodeling Muscle Cells by Inducing Mechanical Stimulus.
Kazuaki Mori, Masahiro Shimizu, Kota Miyasaka, Toshihiko Ogura, Koh Hosoda
20. Tactile Language for a Head-mounted Sensory Augmentation Device.
Hamideh Kerdegari, Tony Prescott, Yeongmi Kim
21. Help! I Can’t Reach the Buttons: Facilitating Helping Behaviors Towards Robots.
David Cameron, Emily C. Collins, Adriel Chua, Owen McAree, Uriel Martinez-Hernandez, Jonathan Aitken, Luke Boorman, James Law
22. Children’s age influences their perceptions of a humanoid robot as being like a person or machine.
David Cameron, Samuel Fernando, Abigail Millings, Roger Moore, Amanda Sharkey, Tony Prescott
23. Biophilic evolutionary buildings that restore the experience of animality in the city.
Pablo Gil, Claudio Rossi
24. Integration of biological neural models for the control of eye movements in a robotic head.
Marcello Mulas, Manxiu Zhan, Jorg Conradt
25. Extending a hippocampal model for navigation around a maze generated from real-world data.
Luke Boorman, Andreas Damianou, Uriel Martinez-Hernandez, Tony Prescott
26. How iCub learns to imitate use of a tool quickly by recycling the past knowl- edge learnt during drawing.
Ajaz Bhat, Vishwanathan Mohan
27. Biomimetic approach for the creation of deployable canopies based on the unfolding of a beetle wing and the blooming of a flower.
Giulia Fenci, Neil Currie
28. Multi-objective optimization of multi-level models for controlling animal collective behavior with robots.
Leo Cazenille, Nicolas Bredeche, José Halloy
29. Biomimetic Tactile Sensing Capsule.
Benjamin Winstone, Sanja Dogramadzi, Chris Melhuish, Tony Pipe, Mark Callaway